Trees are a wonderful addition to any yard. They provide shade, and beauty and also help to clean the air around us. However, having a big tree too close to your home can end up causing some issues that you might not have expected. While it feels amazing to have the shade and fresh air, there are a few things that you should be aware of when you plant or live near one. Here are some reasons why big trees next to your home can cause issues.
Property Damage
Big trees can do some serious damage to your property, especially during rough weather. If the branches of the tree are too large and haven’t been trimmed in a while, they can break off and cause damage to your roof, gutters and more. Leaves and debris can clog up your gutters and downspouts causing water to leak into your home, resulting in mold or water damage. So, it’s better to have the tree pruned regularly by a professional to avoid any significant damage.
Root Growth
As the tree grows, the roots will also grow underneath the house. This can cause the foundation to shift and create cracks. If left untreated, it can lead to extensive repair bills. You might also experience problems with plumbing as the roots can cause blockages in the sewer line. Therefore, get the assistance of a professional arborist to regularly examine the growth of the tree.
Pests and Insects
Trees provide a home to various pests and rodents that can make their way into your home. Also, insects that are attracted to the tree can sometimes end up infesting your home too. Beetles can chew their way into the bark and get into the wood paneling, leading to issues like termites. Infestations can lead to severe damage, so it’s advisable to keep big trees some distance away from your home.
In dry weather conditions, trees can act as an accelerator and spread fire. Also, if the trees are close to electrical wires and fixtures, it can cause an electrical fire, leading to property damage or loss of life. Make sure to clear any dry brush or debris around the tree to avoid the tree acting as an accelerant.
While having a big beautiful tree in your yard can look wonderful, it can obstruct the view of your home, or even make it look smaller than it is. It can also block the sunlight entering your windows and doors leading to increased heating bills and more absence of natural light.
As much as we love trees and nature, it’s essential to keep in mind the issues they can sometimes cause within our homes. We don’t have to get rid of the tree completely but rather take the necessary precautions to prevent any significant damage. So, before we plant or let a tree grow near our home, it’s always better to be aware of the possibilities and take the appropriate measures to prevent any issues from occurring. Contact a professional arborist or landscape designer to help you determine what would be best for your yard, and enjoy your shady, beautiful landscape without any unnecessary worries.