Wednesday, February 5

Ten Survival Skills You Can Teach Your Kids In Your Own Backyard

As a parent, you always want your kids to be prepared for any situation that may arise. One way to do that is by teaching them survival skills. And what better place to start than in your own backyard? Here are ten essential survival skills you can teach your kids that will not only increase their survival chances but also make them more confident and capable individuals.

Building a shelter:

Teach your kids how to build a simple shelter using branches, leaves, and other natural materials. This could be a lean-to or a teepee-style shelter that can keep them protected from the elements in case they get lost or stranded.

Starting a fire:

Starting a fire is an important survival skill. Teach your kids how to build a fire pit, gather wood, tinder, and kindling, and start a fire using matches or a lighter. Make sure they know how to put out a fire properly, too.

Finding and purifying water:

Show your kids how to find water sources in their backyard, such as streams, creeks, or ponds. Teach them how to purify water using filters, purification tablets, or boiling. Remind them to never drink untreated water.

Foraging for food:

Teach your kids how to forage for edible plants and fruits in your backyard. Make sure they know how to identify poisonous plants and avoid them. You could also teach them how to catch insects or small animals for food.

Making a bow and arrow:

A bow and arrow can be used for hunting, fishing, or self-defense. Teach your kids how to make a simple bow using a branch and string and how to craft arrows using natural materials.

Knot tying: Knowing how to tie different knots is essential for survival. Teach your kids how to tie knots like the bowline, square knot, and clove hitch, which can be used for shelter building, fishing, and securing equipment.


Teach your kids how to use a compass and map to navigate their way around your backyard. Show them how to find North, South, East, and West and how to read different terrains and landmarks.

First aid:

Teach your kids basic first aid skills like how to clean and dress wounds, treat burns and insect bites, and perform CPR. Make sure they know how to call for help in an emergency.

Situational awareness:

Teach your kids how to observe their surroundings and assess potential hazards or dangers. Show them how to identify natural hazards like venomous snakes, poison ivy, or steep hills.


Teach your kids basic self-defense moves like how to break free from a grip, defend against an attacker, and escape dangerous situations. Make sure they understand the importance of avoiding violent situations whenever possible.


Teaching your kids these essential survival skills will not only prepare them for emergencies or accidents but also foster their sense of independence and self-confidence. Remember to have fun while teaching them these skills and always emphasize the importance of safety and responsibility.

With these skills, your kids will develop a newfound appreciation for nature and a sense of preparedness that will stay with them throughout their lives.