It’s a situation we’ve all faced at one time or another‒being locked out of our vehicle. Whether it’s due to misplaced keys, a malfunctioning lock, or a dead battery, being stranded outside your car can be a frustrating and stressful experience. But what if you need to get in on both sides? Is there a way to unlock both doors without a key? Yes, and in this blog post, we’ll discuss some methods to do just that.
Method 1: Slim Jim
A slim Jim is a tool specifically designed to unlock car doors. Obtain a slim jim and insert it between the car’s door frame and the window. Slide the slim jim down to the level of the door’s lock, and twist it until you’re able to grab the lock rod and pull it towards you. This should unlock the door. Repeat the process on the second side of the car.
Method 2: Coat Hanger
If you don’t have a slim Jim, a wire coat hanger can do the trick. Firstly, bend the coat hanger to form a hook. Slide it down between the car’s window and door frame and try to hook the lock by inserting the wire into the door frame and twisting it until it catches the lock’s mechanism. Once you’ve hooked the lock, pull upwards. Repeat the process on the second side of the car.
Method 3: Wedge and Rod Technique
The wedge and rod technique involves wedging an object between the car’s door and frame and using a rod to push down the lock button or reach the lock rod. To do this, use a flat object such as a spatula or putty knife and wedge it between the door and frame. Once you’ve created a gap, use a rod or a long and thin object to push down the lock button or reach the lock rod. Repeat the process on the second side of the car.
Method 4: Call for Professional Help
If all the aforementioned techniques fail and you’re still locked out of your car, don’t attempt to force the door open or smash the window. This can cause severe damage to your car and injure yourself. Instead, it’s advisable to contact a professional locksmith who can unlock both doors without harming your vehicle.
Being locked out of your car is an unfortunate situation, but all is not lost if you need to access both sides of the car. By using any of the methods listed in the body of this blog post, you can get back into your car quickly and safely. Remember, always use responsible tactics and if all else fails, call a locksmith. Stay safe, and happy driving!