5 Ways To Calm Your Dog Down

Dogs are known for their playful and energetic personalities. While this energy is great to have around, it can easily become too much for them or their owners to handle. When your dog is constantly jumping around, barking at everything, or just seems too hyped up, it’s time to calm them down. Here are five ways to help soothe your furry friend and get them back to a normal state of mind.


A furry friend with too much excess energy can be overwhelming. If they don’t have an opportunity to release this energy, they can quickly become agitated and anxious. Get them some fresh air by going for a walk, playing fetch in the park, or allowing them to run free in a fenced-in area. Exercise is important, not only for their physical well-being but also for their mental health.

Calming Music

Music has a powerful effect on the body. It has been used for centuries to calm anxiety and promote relaxation. The same applies to your dog. Research has shown that slow and calm classical music can calm your dog down and even reduce stress levels. So, put on some calming tunes and watch your furry friend fall into a relaxed state.


Just like humans, dogs enjoy a good rubdown. A gentle massage can be very relaxing for your dog. It’s a great way to bond with them and help them release any tensions that may have been building up. Place your dog on a soft surface and rub their ears, under their chin, and their throat. This can help relax them, lower their heart rate and even help lower their blood pressure.

Calming Scents

Aromatherapy is a great way to calm your dog. Certain scents such as lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus can ease stress and reduce anxiety. Rub a small amount of essential oils onto the tips of their ears or diffuse them in the air. It’s a more natural way to calm your dog and make them feel comfortable.

Use a ThunderShirt

A lot of dogs get anxious when there’s a thunderstorm or a loud noise. The ThunderShirt is a tight-fitting shirt that fits snuggly around the dog’s body. It’s designed to provide the pet with a sense of comfort and security. Giving your dog a sense of security calms them down, helping them handle stressful situations with more ease.


There are many ways to help calm your dog down, whether it’s through exercise, music, massage, aromatherapy or using a ThunderShirt. These tips are an excellent way to help relieve anxiety and soothe an overly energetic pooch. Remember, a calm dog is not only happy but also has a much better quality of life. Helping your dog relax will make them happy, healthy, and a much-loved family member in your household.