Filing for long-term disability benefits can be a difficult decision for anyone. It’s a complete change of career that can affect your lifestyle, and it takes a lot of courage to go through the process. Once you have filed for your benefits, you need to figure out what to do next. This post will cover five essential things that you could do to make the transition easier and to help you get back on your feet.
Consult a Disability Attorney
It’s always a good idea to consult a disability attorney after filing for long-term disability benefits. An experienced attorney will be able to guide you through the process of filing your claim and provide you with legal advice. They will be able to advise you on what you should and should not do while your claim is being processed. An attorney also ensures that you’re not being taken advantage of by insurance companies and that you’re receiving the benefits you deserve.
Create a Budget
Once you’ve received your long-term disability benefits, you should create a budget. Make a list of your expenses and track your income. Identify where you could cut back on expenses where possible, and make sure to stick to your budget. It’s essential to stick to a budget to ensure that your essential bills are paid and you have enough money for emergencies.
Apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Consider applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) once you’ve received your long-term disability benefits. SSI is a program designed to help low-income individuals who are blind, disabled, or elderly. It could provide you with a cash allowance to help supplement your income until you’re able to secure other sources of income.
Consider Getting a Part-Time Job
After receiving your disability benefits, you should consider getting a part-time job. If you can find one that works well with your disability, even better. A part-time job is an excellent way to supplement your income even further while you’re transitioning. A part-time job also helps you get back into the workforce and could help you ease your transition when you return to work full time.
Invest Your Money
Long term disability benefits are designed to last for a long time. Once you have received your disability benefits, you should consider investing some of the money to help it grow. Speak with a financial advisor to help you invest your funds. Investing your money could help ensure that you have more than enough money to support yourself in the long run.
Filing for long-term disability benefits is a significant decision that requires a lot of time and effort. After you have filed for your benefits, you should take the time to plan for your future. Always consult with an attorney, create a budget, apply for SSI, consider getting a part-time job, and invest your money. Follow these tips to help you transition smoothly into this new phase of your life.