Summertime is here and while it’s fun to spend a day out in the sun, it’s never fun to receive a sunburn. Although, we all know that sunburns can hurt and cause skin damage we should avoid getting them in the first place; sometimes when we’re out there having fun, time slips by and before we know it, our skin starts to turn pink. Whether you intentionally got your tan or accidentally ended up with a sunburn, it’s important to take care of your skin after being in the sun. Here are 10 tips on getting your tan out without getting sunburned.
Sunburn occurs when your skin gets dry in the sun, so the first and most important tip is to hydrate. It helps your skin stay supple and moist. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your time in the sun. Also, consider hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumbers.
Use Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera not only prevents aging, but it’s also an antibacterial with cooling effects on the skin. It can help prevent peeling, reduce pain, and limit redness. Apply aloe vera gel as soon as you get in from the sun and let it sit on your skin.
Take a Cool Bath
Soak in a cool bath to lower your body temperature and give your skin some relief. Avoid hot water at all costs and don’t scrub your skin with any type of loofah or sponge.
Wear Loose Clothes
When you’re recovering from a sunburn, it’s a good idea to stick to loose-fitting, lightweight, and breathable clothes. This can prevent irritation and keep your skin from being rubbed until it’s fully healed.
Skip The Salt
Salt can dehydrate the skin further, so it is best to avoid using salt on foods or taking saltwater dips in the ocean or pool.
Limit Sun Exposure
If you’re in pain from a sunburn, stay indoors until you start feeling better. When it is finally time to go out, make sure to protect your skin with hats, clothing, and a broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen.
Keep Your Skin Moisturized
Apply moisturizers and lotions to keep your skin supple and moist, which can prevent peeling. Make sure to use moisturizers without perfume, and dyes, as these products may dry out your skin’s natural oils.
Use a Cold Compress
A cold compress can help alleviate the pain from your sunburn. Use a cold, damp cloth or place a cool wrap on the affected area.
Sunburns can cause fatigue, so it’s important to get enough rest. Your body needs time to repair itself, so it’s important not to stress your body too much while it’s in its healing phase.
Seek Medical Attention
If your burn is severe (large blisters or fever), seek medical attention. A physician will provide instructions and medication if needed.
While we love a good tan, we must take care of our skin as well. Always use the best protection when in the sun and follow the advice in this article to protect your skin and recover from sunburn. Stay healthy and have fun with your new summer glow!