Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a beginner, a car breaking down is certainly a situation that nobody would like to be in. The situation can be quite frightening and stressful and can leave one feeling incredibly vulnerable. In such circumstances, it is easy to panic and make hasty decisions that can jeopardize your safety.
Therefore, it is important to know what to do when your car breaks down and how to stay safe while waiting for help. In this blog post, we will discuss ten essential safety tips that you should remember when your car breaks down.
Pull over to a safe spot
If your car breaks down on the road, pull over to the right side and turn on the hazard lights immediately. If possible, try to get your vehicle onto the shoulder and away from the flow of traffic. Avoid stopping on a curve or a hill, as it can be challenging for other drivers to see your vehicle and they may crash into you.
Stay in the car
If you can’t move your car to a safe spot, remain in your vehicle with the seatbelt fastened. It is safer to stay inside your car, as there is a risk of being hit by a passing vehicle if you step out of your car. Lock the doors, and if you have a phone, call for help.
Use flares or reflective triangles
If you have flares or reflective triangles, use them to warn other drivers of your presence. Put them on the road at a safe distance, preferably 100 meters or more, from your car. This way, other drivers can slow down and steer clear of your car, preventing further accidents.
Don’t accept rides from strangers
If someone stops to offer you help, politely decline and wait for emergency personnel. It is not uncommon for people to use fake tales of goodwill to lure you into danger.
Call for help
Call your roadside assistance company or emergency services for help. If you’ve got a car manual, refer to it for guidance on the immediate steps to take. Be ready to give them your location and any other necessary information.
Stay hydrated
In case you’ve been stranded for a while in a hot area, keep yourself hydrated. Especially during warmer temperatures, an air-conditioned car space can prevent dehydration.
Do not leave valuable items in plain sight
If you must leave your car for a while, make sure that you lock it, and do not leave valuables in plain sight. Thieves are known to target abandoned cars. Take your laptop, phone, and cash with you.
Stay alert
Keep a watchful eye on your surroundings and who is in your vicinity, even while you wait for help. If you feel threatened at any point, call the police immediately.
Leverage on technology
Many cars now come with emergency or safety apps installed. Before you hit the road, it’s best to check if your car has such apps and how to use them.
Maintain your car
Regular car maintenance can help you get ahead of potential breakdowns. Schedule regular check-ups and ensure that all important components, like your tires, brakes, and suspension, are in top working condition. In addition to improving performance, this will also help prevent sudden breakdowns.
Breaking down in your car can be scary and stressful, but it’s important to stay safe and calm. Remember the tips mentioned here and take them to heart, so you are fully equipped to deal with any situation that may arise. Whether you are a short distance from home or on a long-distance trip, following these safety tips can help you remain secure during an unexpected breakdown. Always remember, your safety is paramount, so take the necessary precautions and stay safe.