Aquariums have been fascinating people for a long time – the sight of colorful fish swimming around in a serene environment is awe-inspiring. Also, aquariums bring many mental and physical health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. But choosing the right species for your freshwater aquarium could be a daunting task. There are so many fish out there with different preferences and characteristics. To help you with that, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 coolest freshwater aquarium fish that you can select from.
Betta Fish
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are widely renowned for their intensely bright colors and beautiful long fins. They are one of the most interactive and easy-to-keep fish and are a common choice among beginners. Bettas are territorial, so keep only one male Betta fish in a tank with other species, or else they could fight each other.
Guppies are colorful, active, and easy to breed, making them a popular choice for aquarists. Guppies come in many varieties, shapes, and sizes, and they adapt to a wide range of temperatures. They are happiest in shoals, so it’s best to keep them in groups.
Neon Tetras
Neon tetras are a species of small, freshwater fish. They are famous for their bright, shiny bodies and electric-blue stripe running down their sides. Neon tetras can be sensitive to water conditions, so freshwater enthusiasts need to check tanks regularly. Neon tetras prefer to live in diverse groups, making them a colorful addition to any community aquarium.
Cherry Shrimp
These little guys are fascinating to watch as they swim and climb across tank decor. They are easy to care for and add a fun splash of color with their deep red shade. The size of Cherry Shrimp is usually around one and a half inches, making them a perfect addition to small tanks.
Angelfish are one of the most majestic and striking freshwater fish species. They come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes that can complement your aquarium’s style. These fish grow to about six inches but need adequate room because they are active swimmers. Angelfish are easy to keep and maintain, making them a great choice for beginner aquarium enthusiasts.
Rainbow Fish
These fish are available in a variety of colors and patterns, but the rainbow effect is most prominent on the bodies of male rainbows. Rainbow fish are active swimmers and need aquariums that have enough space for their movements. They are a peaceful species and prefer being kept in schools or groups.
These creative little omnivores are ideal for aquarium owners who prefer bottom-dwelling fish. Corydoras, also known as cory catfish, are herbivorous, making them a perfect choice for keeping the tank clean. With a peaceful and quiet nature, they are happy to be in groups, making them a great addition to community aquariums.
These small and active fish have distinct colors and are well-suited for aquarium enthusiasts. Kribensis have a friendly demeanor and are best kept in groups. They grow to a size of only around three inches, making them a great choice for smaller freshwater aquariums.
Discus Fish
Discus is the king of the freshwater fish world, and no aquarium is complete without them. They are known for their bright colors, and it’s fascinating to see them in a community aquarium. Keep them with peaceful species, and avoid mixing them with aggressive or territorial fish species.
Goldfish are attractive, hardy, and low-maintenance freshwater species, making them a suitable choice for beginners. They grow to be around 6 to 8 inches long, which requires a relatively large tank. Goldfish prefer colder temperatures and are typically kept as a single species or in groups.
The 10 species mentioned above will give you an array of choices to add vibrant colors and personalities to your aquarium. Before adding any of the 10 coolest freshwater aquarium fish to your tank, research about each species, their habitat, requirements, and compatibility to ensure that they’ll thrive and be happy in your aquarium. Remember, choosing fish species to add to a freshwater aquarium takes time, patience, and attention to detail, but the reward of a beautiful and thriving tank is lovely to watch.